Saturday, 17 December 2016


As the first term comes to an end, bilingual students from 1st and 2nd Years, along with other non bilingual students from 2nd Year, have recorded one of the musical pieces they have been working on throughout these three months.

Armed with their recorders and guided by their teachers Mª José Quintana and Francisco Javier Rodríguez, they want to share their experience with IES San Fernando community and send out a message of love and peace.

Special thanks to all of the 77 pupils that took part in this recording for their patience and their drive. As always they are the only protagonists who are able to transform a simple piece of music into something special.

May your Christmas be wrapped in happiness and tied with love.

1 comment:

  1. Great job!
    Thank you very much for this beautiful musical performance and all the time and dedication that is behind it!
    Merry Christmas to all the highly talented players and to their hard-working tachers!
